3 Ways to Reduce Eco-Anxiety, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Planet


For years, I filed away most of my worries about the planet, only allowing my anxieties to manifest as the shake of my head when I’d run into media coverage of global warming, deforestation, and other signs that humans were harming the planet. Eventually, these fears caught up to me and I found myself unable to sleep, overwhelmed by worry and a sense of inevitable doom.

Eco-anxiety is on the rise, as we begin to witness the effects of a warming planet. Here are three ways to manage yours:


I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.
— Jana Stanfield

A lot of eco-anxiety comes from a feeling of powerlessness, and it helps to remember that all actions, no matter how small, matter. Don’t subscribe to an “all-or-none” mentality. You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need to fix the world’s problems on your own. Just do what you can. In a future blog post, I’ll show you how to reduce food waste, buy less plastic, and eat a more sustainable diet, but here are some things you can do to help the planet now:

  • Conserve energy by turning off and unplugging electronics when not in use

  • Conserve water by taking quicker showers and turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth or wash dishes

  • Decrease your plastic consumption by opting for a reusable water bottle over plastic bottled water

  • Eat less meat and dairy

  • Recycle

  • Talk to friends and family about making their own small changes



It’s easy to feel that you’re alone in your worries about the planet. But that’s not true. Eco-consciousness is growing in the Inland Empire and all around the world. Connecting with other eco-warriors can help reduce your anxiety by showing you that there are positive efforts to save the planet all around you. Fill your social media feed with awareness and inspiration by following green activism accounts (large and small) and following tags such as #ecofriendly, #plantbased, and #zerowaste. Post about these topics on your own social media and you might be surprised to find support among your own friends and family.



Smell the flowers. Feel the rain. Walk in the grass.

There’s a wealth of studies out there showing that nature heals. An article by the University of Minnesota states, “Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings.” This is because nature can distract us from our anxieties and allow us to feel a positive connection to others and the Earth. Let the Earth calm you as you enjoy its beauty. Buy a plant, grow a garden, visit nature often.

Above all, know that what you’re doing is enough and that you’re not alone. There are efforts around the globe to be better for the planet and we’re all in this together. Your efforts are enough, and they make a difference. Thank you.


Plant Power: Plant-Based Fast-Food in Redlands and Riverside


The Plastic Monkey Wrench in My Zero-Waste Plans: How COVID-19 is Increasing Plastic Consumption and Why That’s OK